Our public safety volunteers assist us in times of need; grant funded equipment could benefit any of us at any time.
In 1895, Lapel residents formed a standing “Bucket Brigade” to train together and respond to fires. Hand to hand, each neighbor helped defeat threats to safety and property, knowing their neighbors would help them in the same way should the need arise.
Ever since, the volunteer culture of emergency services has shaped the identity of South Madison County. It was likely that a call for help would be answered by a farmer, a newly-retired teacher, a bank teller, and a business owner – all who completed extensive training but left their “day job” to answer the call. This is still the case in some South Madison communities, but as our towns grow, our emergency services must follow suit.
The creation of the South Madison Fire Protection Territory debuts a professionally staffed department. Like their predecessors in the bucket brigade, these neighbors are taking their place in line to offer aid to those in need- the real difference is scale. Serving more homes and families over more area requires more equipment, more staff, and ultimately, an additional station. Tax revenue will pay for these expenditures. The Foundation will continue to support emergency services through grants for supplemental and programmatic needs.
Our most recent emergency services grants supported drone response, replacement fire hose, thermal imagery cameras, stop the bleed kits, a wellness canine, safety signage, protective gear and a specialized gear washer. Foundation funded public safety equipment is an investment in our neighbors that can benefit any of us at any time.