Joe* and Tyler met in Drafting class, where they enjoyed talking about the Colts and Cubs and doing group projects. Drafting was the highlight of Joe's schedule that year, thanks to Tyler. Struggling with low self-esteem, Joe looked to Tyler's consistent faith and encouragement to help him get through tough times. Joe said, "Tyler was just being Tyler" — the kind of person who inspires positivity, generosity, and understanding by modeling those qualities himself.
Devastatingly, Tyler passed away during his senior year at Pendleton Heights. As a tribute to his memory, his family created a scholarship to celebrate Tyler's giving spirit. They attributed this to the many role models in Tyler's own life — family members, pastor, teachers — who taught him the joy of giving.
"Tyler was just being Tyler" — the kind of person who inspires positivity, generosity, and understanding by modeling those qualities himself.
Nobody could have anticipated that Joe would become one of the first recipients of the Tyler J. Hatheway Memorial Scholarship, binding the two together in many ways and for many years.
Joe went on to achieve academic and athletic success in college. In practice and in class, Tyler's memory motivated him to excel. After college graduation, Joe began to focus on a meaningful and measurable goal: he would multiply Tyler's scholarship gift tenfold, turning the $1,000 scholarship into a $10,000 gift to the Tyler J. Hatheway Memorial Scholarship Fund at the South Madison Community Foundation.
In December 2017, Joe accomplished his goal, delivering a check to the Foundation along with a letter of appreciation for Tyler's family filled with stories of the ways their son and his encouragement had impacted Joe's life.
Andrew Hatheway, Tyler's father, shared his belief in the power of turning the unbelievable grief of loss into a lasting memorial, "A memorial fund is not just about remembering. Its true worth is not in remembering. Its true worth is the love within your heart that can only be liberated through the act of giving."
In its first ten years, the Tyler J. Hatheway Scholarship Fund has assisted nine students with the cost of higher education. Recipients must show evidence of high character, care and concern for others, and complete an essay about someone who has positively influenced their character or in reflection on the criteria used to measure the successfulness of one's life. In selecting each year's recipient, members of the scholarship selection committee get the opportunity to liberate a little more love within their hearts through the joy of giving- and that's the best gift of all.
*Joe wanted to remain anonymous, so we've changed his name to share this story with you.