I’d like to introduce you to Lee and Gretchen Hanna.
Lee and Gretchen lived most of their lives in Pendleton. Both worked for many years in Anderson’s factories. Lee later farmed full time. The couple attended Markleville North Christian Church and devoted free time to church and community projects.
Described as humble and patriotic, the Hannas lived modestly. All the while, they were building a legacy for their community that would only come to be known after their deaths.
Lee passed away in 2006 and was followed by Gretchen on Christmas Eve 2013. Soon after, the Community Foundation received notice that the Hannas had quietly planned their legacy for their community through a significant estate gift.
Their estate would benefit several causes dear to the couple’s hearts for five years, then transfer to an unrestricted fund. Because of their flexibility, unrestricted funds are our way of saying, “We can’t predict the future, but we can plan and prepare for it. We can act today to create a better tomorrow.”
Like the Hannas before you, we ask you to put your trust in the Community Foundation and in our community’s bright future. You, too, can signify your belief in the South Madison Community Foundation and in the future of our small towns by giving to the Bright Future Fund (or any named unrestricted fund).
Your gift fulfills local needs- not just today, but in a future we can only imagine.
Help our small towns ensure a bright future. Make your gift today.