Main Street Pendleton Fund

The mission of Main Street Pendleton is to cultivate and conserve a viable downtown district emblematic of our community’s high value on the quality of life that residents and visitors alike have come to expect.  Main Street Pendleton believes that a strong emphasis on downtown preservation and innovative development is an essential component of the integrity and stability of our beloved community.

As an accredited Indiana Main Street program, this nonprofit organization, comprised of local volunteers, fosters collaborations with businesses, community groups, and residents to create opportunities that enrich community connectedness while preserving downtown Pendleton’s historic character, charm, and cultural vibrancy.

Main Street Pendleton is the beneficiary of a designated fund within South Madison Community Foundation. The fund is able to receive donations ranging from cash to real estate. Annual earnings from the Fund's investments are paid to Main Street Pendleton for projects that keep Pendleton's downtown core strong, even as the community grows. To donate to the Main Street Pendleton fund, or any other foundation fund, visit